Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Update

I don't really have any new information, but I thought I would tell everyone that! We see the doctor on Monday and will hopefully then figure out what to do from here. We know his count continues to be low because the poor kid is just covered in bruises, especially on his legs. We brought him to the zoo and he wore shorts since it was so nice. He gots lots of looks, and I figured he must look super cute today! Then I remembered what his legs must look like to strangers. Oh well, he still looked super cute!!

Trenton hasn't really been feeling top no
tch lately. We think he's just got some bug, which normally we wouldn't worry too much about, but I think we are just on this heightened alert. He started to get these blood blisters in his mouth (which he had tons of before we were put into the hospital), so we started him on this medication that helped last time. But it can make him nauseous, and he threw up later. Tyler wanted to stay home on his birthday, and he got his wish! But I don't think he wanted to spend it cleaning up vomit. He's such a great daddy.

Our doctor was concerned when Trenton had a high fever and if he might have some kind of infection, but the fever slowly died down. Now he's just got some other junk that obviously is making him feel terrible. It would be nice if it was just the medicin
e, since we are done with it now. And the blisters are gone which is great.

Anyway, I thought I would share some pictures too. The Middle School Youth Group girls at church made Trenton the cutest blanket, and he just loves throwing it around and playing with it, so I just had to take some quick pictures with my phone (it
's really not Tyler Jones Photography worthy or anything):

(he's actually in there somewhere hiding)

Thanks girls!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there guys. Winter and random sicknesses for kids is the worst...especially when you throw in sweet Trenton's additional health issues. We can imagine how stressful it is and just pray that Monday will bring some answers and hope for strength and a road to recovery for the little man. At least he ranks as one of the cutest kids on earth! Really, he does! Bruises or no bruises. Helmet or no helmet:)

    Take care!

    Gwen, Tim & Rylan
