Tuesday, February 24, 2009

back down

Trenton had his blood checked again yesterday. We just went to Kaiser which is nice, it's usually a little faster and closer. At least they didn't call us at 10:30 at night which has happened a few times, but the doctor did e-mail me this morning saying his count was down again to 7,000. We are hugely disappointed, but were somewhat prepared for that too.

At our last visit with the hematologist, I asked the doctor what she would like to see his count be at his next visit. She said she would be happy with 50,000. But she would be half-happy with 25,000. Maybe she'll just have to be a fraction of happiness? We'll see.

So we do have another appointment this coming Monday and will check him again and decide what to do from here. Probably another round of the IVIG, which wasn't too bad, more frustrating for Trenton than anything, since he can run around in his normal fashion. But at least he could flirt with more nurses!

I want everyone to know how much we appreciate your notes, cards, e-mails, etc. We just got a card in the mail today, and I just felt so taken care of. I am saving everything I can for Trenton to show him later. I want him to know how loved he is, and how much people cared about him. So, thanks.


  1. This makes Papa sooooo sad. We just keep praying for a treatment that works! Love you all,


  2. Oh baby Trenton. We'll pray for good things to happen in the next week! If not, then we'll pray that the next treatment is his answer. We'll keep hope for you guys as I'm sure it's a daily struggle to stay positive.

    Gwen, Tim & Rylan
