Sunday, February 15, 2009


So we got Trenton a helmet this past Thursday when we were at Children's. I really hated it at first. I think because it's just this constant reminder that something is wrong. Also, it looks pretty funny. But I have to admit it makes me feel better when he wears it. He wore it at school on Friday and most of the weekend. I think he's getting pretty used to it! His friend even wanted to wear it when I gave him a break from it. I think that helped. So we can let him run around with his usual craziness, and don't worry so much about him falling down every 2 minutes.

He still seems to feel pretty good. The blood blister on his mouth looks MUCH better, so he doesn't look so beat up anymore. He still has his black eye from over a week ago, but it's a light purple now. It still looks like he got a hold of some eye shadow and just went to town.

We are starting to see that side effects of the Prednisone. He gets a little cranky in the evening, and doesn't sleep very well. He was up and ready at 5:30 this morning! But we'll take it if it means his platelet count will go up. We'll know more on Tuesday when we see the Hematologist again. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. What a nightmare!! Sam had RSV when tiny but we didn't have to go through anything like what you are, with any of our kids. We sure take good health for granted. We're praying for Trenton and you and for the Drs.
