Monday, October 26, 2009


Trenton's count is at 36,000 today. I was expecting a lot worse! He's been pretty bruised lately, and has had a lot of petechiae on his stomach, so I was really waiting to hear some pretty low numbers. Being sick can also lower his counts, so I was worried this last cold he had may have hurt him too. But he's hanging in there!

Tyler and I just got back from Texas last night, so Trenton was able to stay with Papa and Grandma DeRidder for a few days. He seemed to have had a blast. I can't show any pictures because the only one's I received he was naked!

As soon as Tyler is done with some wedding photos, I'll start pressuring him to take Trenton's 2 year pictures. So I'll be sure to post those :)

1 comment:

  1. THat's great news! He's a trooper for sure. Hopefully he'll just stay stable at the very least and suprise you one day with crazy high counts! Enjoy the snow!

    Gwen & Tim
