Monday, August 10, 2009

Almost there!

I've have been waiting so long to say that Trenton is on his way to recovery!! We got his blood checked last Friday and his counts have more than doubled at 93,000! Tyler and I feel like this huge burden has been lifted, and finally feel that we can celebrate. The doctor even called us later on Friday to see if we had any questions and seemed very excited.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive through this whole thing. We have certainly felt all the love! I will continue to update as normal counts are between 150,000-450,000. But we are almost there!

I'll post some pictures later of our amazing camping trip. Trenton is absolutely a camping boy. He did so well and had so much fun. And I didn't have to freak out about him having little falls!!

Thanks again to everyone,

1 comment:

  1. Awesome...just awesome. We're SO thrilled for you guys and the little man. Congrats on such long awaited good news. Your patience paid off! Talk to you guys soon.

    Gwen & Tim
