Thursday, May 28, 2009


I don't have much to report right now, but we are anxiously awaiting Trenton's next doctor's appointment next week. We are going back to the hematologist on Tuesday where we'll check his count again and see what to do from here. It's been the magical 6 months, so we are quite nervous about what they'll say if he hasn't improved at all.

We were so excited before when they started to go up, but then it leveled off. After that, he has had some more bruising, random crazy nosebleeds, etc. He got a nasty cut on his lip (of course from playing with trucks), but that seems to be going away quickly, with the help of a certain medicine we can give him for any mouth sores. We haven't gotten him checked in a few weeks, so we really aren't sure what to expect!

He still feels wonderful and acts wonderful (minus the usual toddler moments), so we are happy about that. He's also becoming quite a flirt at school, or so his teachers tell me. So we really hope he can remain there all summer and not have to go through any nasty treatments.

Thank you for your continued prayers, and throw 'em out there on Tuesday!

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