Friday, April 17, 2009


I hesitate to post this, because I feel like the worst parent in the world. But maybe it'll make someone else feel better about their parenting skills!

Trenton has had a little cough the past couple days. He was miserable last night, coughing a lot and just breathing super heavy. He did pretty well at school today, except at the end his teacher said he was really sucking in hard to breathe. So in the lovely snowy traffic, we haul off to Kaiser. An HOUR later we make it there. The doc listens to him and orders a chest x-ray, which Trenton really did not like. He just gave me this look like, "what are you doing to me??"

So, it's discovered he probably has pneumonia. I just keep thinking, hasn't this poor kid been through enough?! Luckily his O2 levels were good, so we were just given some antibiotics. The doctor said he was very glad I brought him in today (thanks for the advice, mom). He thinks he'll start to feel better in about 24 hours. Phew!

So he's sleeping soundly for now!

Side note: Trenton and I have been saying our prayers before he goes to bed lately. He folds his tiny little hands and closes his eyes (mostly), it's so precious you want to cry. And when we're done he says, "yeeeaaa!" I figured God loves enthusiasm!


  1. oh, jo...i know the feeling. just when you think it can't get any worse, another bump in the road appears. i just know that God is using this time to grow your faith and trust in Him. doesn't make it easier to endure, but there IS a purpose in all of this! give my sweet nephew a big hug from auntie amanda. we love you!

  2. WOW! Are you all getting sick of this yet! AHHH! We are so sorry and hope that he starts to feel better soon. And by the way, you are not a bad mother, both my mom and I had a child with Pneumonia and didn't realize it. We thought it was just yet another cough. So sorry!

  3. Oh you guys. When it rains it pours huh? You are NOT a bad mom. Rylan had an ear infection for 3 days before I realized it. If you could read his mind, you'd be a millionaire trying to teach us all how to do the same thing. We'll keep you in our prayers as usual and hopefully he feels better very soon. - The pray thing is precious. I about cry every night when Rylan squints his eyes and says "Amen!" It doesn't get old:)


  4. Grandma Sandi and Grandpa SonnyApril 18, 2009 at 6:59 PM

    Give Trenton a big hug from Grandma Sandi in sunny, warm, Michigan, and Grandpa Sonny in snowed-in Fraser. We are praying that the antibiotics work, and you will not have to take Trenton to the doctor tomorrow. We love hearing about him praying - isn't it awesome they can learn so young!

    PS...You are a great mom, Jo!!
