Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another Random Update

Well, Trenton is just chugging along! His eye looks so much better, we don't get all the "oohs" and "aawws" while in public anymore. He still has quite a few bruises on his legs, but those are easily covered up. If it wasn't for his helmet, you wouldn't think anything was wrong with this kid! Which is fabulous that he's so happy.

I missed this conversation at the doctor's last time, but apparently if he does have to go through the other treatment, he wouldn't be able to attend day care because of the risk of infection. We were freaking out about this a little bit, afraid we would have to continue paying in order to keep his spot in school, AND find somewhere else for him to go, or take a ton of time off work. But I spoke with one of the directors at school yesterday and we would be able to take him out, not pay, and not lose his spot. She said they would hate to have him gone though, since they all just love him so much. So it was quite a relief to me, one less thing to worry about!

Anyway, really not too much to report. We have his 18 month appointment in two weeks, and we'll just check his blood at that time. Thanks again to everyone for your continued prayers, cards, notes, etc. I'm still amazed by everyone's support.


  1. What a huge blessing with Trenton's daycare. That will definitely help. Glad he is doing well.

  2. Praying that God will work out all the details regarding other arrangements if Trenton needs to be out of daycare for a bit. So glad you've already found out that they'll hold his spot for you!!! That is definitely a blessing!
    Miss you guys and wish we could see you!
