Friday, May 7, 2010

Cautiously shocked

I'll start with a little background. Pretty much every spring Trenton gets a cough, or RSV, or brochciolitis or some other crappy lung thing. It happened this week...again. So, the nebulizer (or "the machine", a nickname I stole from my asthmatic brothers) came back to life and Trenton was put on a low dose of Prednisone for a few days. 2-year-olds on steroids can be a very scary thing.

When we first found out about Trenton's low platelet count, he was put on Prednisone. I guess it's the first line of attack. It didn't work. They tried it again later, it didn't work.

So, why am I telling you this? Because we got Trenton's blood checked today and I received a voice mail (which will probably remain on my phone for a while) that said Trenton's count is at 157,000.


My parents say we should celebrate, but I'm still nervous. I'm nervous that when we stop the Prednisone tomorrow, the count will plummet again. Am I being a pessimist of a realist? Either way, he's at 157,000! I may let Trenton run around today without me running behind him with reached-out arms waiting for him to fall. I may release him from his plastic bubble!

The hematology doctor thinks we can wait a few months to get him checked again. He doesn't know about the Prednisone. I'm waiting to hear back from my nurse to see if she thinks it could have made that big a difference. Hearing what she says I think will make me either continue to cautiously celebrate, or really take a big sigh of relief that this freaky thing may be coming to a close. I just hope she calls soon.

Again, I can't thank everyone enough. I know people continue to pray all the time. I was just told a little friend of Trenton's still continues to pray for him in class, which almost made me cry! Obviously God cannot ignore that.

Stay tuned for the nurses' verdict...

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